My kids have teased me that I’m terrible at sticking with traditions. I love the IDEA of them, I just think I get bored of them after a few years and want to try other ones.
So…. here are few things we enjoyed last year.
We made pretty drinks and drank out of fancy glasses.

We walked the neighborhood enjoying the desert holiday decor.

Instead of our “traditional” gingerbread houses this year we opened up to anything made with gingerbread. I, of course, made birds :)

Here in Tucson there’s a neighborhood that really does it up big with lights and activities, so we went to that for the first time, which was awesome and so much fun! The one thing we do.

ALWAYS have at Christmas- is Crinkle Cookies! It was my dad’s favorite. My aunt would always make them for him. It was very sweet and a good memory we all have.

I’m not quite sure what we’re going to do for Christmas this year… still trying to sort that out. :).