Discovering my passion for art was an unexpected turn in my life journey. I drew a lot when I was a child. My mom was an artist, and I was always in awe of what she could create. I never considered it a feasible way to make a living and I definitely didn’t think I could ever be good enough to be one of the very few that did.
At 20 years old I had already quit college twice, got married, and was waitressing when I decided I should probably get serious about the direction of my life. So, I signed up for the Graphic Design program at a local community college. During my visit for orientation and to buy books, there was this crafty book with painted thrift shop finds, and really bright, colorful art that I was completely enamored with. We had no money, so I reluctantly left it behind and drove the 30 minutes back home. My husband asked me how it went and all I could do was yammer on and on about that book. He looked at me and said very seriously, "if that is really what you want to do then why don’t you just do that". And I thought... you’re absolutely right! I got back in the car. Drove the 30 minutes back to school, returned the books and dropped the classes that very same day. That very same day my husband and I went to the hardware store, bought a scroll saw, he showed me how to use it and I started making and painting stuff.

And just like that, I felt like I finally had the direction I had been searching all along. I created pieces for friends, friends of friends & family. I started consigning in a couple galleries, and trust me, my work was not that pretty at the time, but I was willing to work hard and a lot. Not too long after starting down this path we moved back up to the PNW and I began doing the Portland Saturday Market. Having a weekly goal to stock a booth of work and getting that instant feedback from the public was extremely helpful and encouraging. It was there that I began to gain a reputation for clocks and functional art.

We spent every weekend for a few years there. Eventually we started doing juried art shows around the country and then wholesale shows.
Reflecting on this journey and looking at this pile of catalogs we put out over the 25 years, I am constantly thankful and humbled by this opportunity, and for the support of everyone who enjoys my work. I am living my dream thanks to you!